Elpress gets Full IEC Approval for their High-Temperature Solutions!

Elpress high-temperature connector solutions for tomorrow's challenges!

Rising technological needs and emerging climate changes are making the demand for more resilient and innovative electrical solutions to increase rapidly in a global scale. This has prompted Elpress to run extensive tests with an increased continuous high temperature on some of their Connector Solutions. And the results were excellent!
Elpress KRF/ KSF Connectors (95-240mm²), when used as a System with their corresponding DUAL Crimping Tools, have outstanding resilience against Thermal Stress and obtained a Full IEC Approval for High-Temperature Solutions (elevated cycling temperature of 150ºC)!

Elpress high-temperature solutionsIncreasing demand for High-Temperature Solutions globally

Nowadays, the demand for more resilient and innovative electrical solutions is increasing rapidly in a global scale. Additionally, constant civilisation expansion, rising technological needs and emerging climate changes are moving the industry to a more hard-wearing and sustainable direction.

Therefore, today’s electrical market is experiencing an evergrowing need for high-temperature solutions worldwide. The demand for tomorrow’s robust electrical connectors that feature high durability against thermal stress is extremelly high. Especially in locations where the climate is averagely warmer and the risk of overheating is more common, the demand sometimes exceeds the supply.

Successful Testing and Full Approval

FALCON5 PVX1300 Contact Crimping of Flexible Aluminium

The above reasons have, therefore, prompted Elpress to extend their standard approval at 90ºC continuously maximum temperature deriving from the IEC 61238-1 Standard to this level (150ºC).

To achieve this and maintain existing good properties regarding resilience against vibration and corrosion, the KRF/KSF connector type was chosen. In combination with the DUAL Crimping Tool System, Elpress ran tests at the very high temperature of 150ºC.

For the assembly and testing, they used the same criteria and demands used for IEC 61238-1. The only difference was the application of an elevated cycling temperature of 150ºC.

And the result? Success! Outstanding resilience and a full approval at 150ºC according to IEC 61238-1.

Thermal Stress / High Temperature Copper Crimping Connector Testing - Elpress

Outstanding Resilience against Thermal Stress

As seen in the following charts, the connector max temperature was about 10ºC lower than the conductor and with a good and stable resistance factor k, all through the test, indicating outstanding resilience against thermal stress:

Elpress high temperature Testing - IEC 61238-1.

(Original Post by Elpress)

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