Nexans 12-42 MONOi3 W Indoor MV Heat-Shrink Terminations

Product overview

Nexans 12-42 MONOi3 W Indoor MV Heat-Shrink Terminations

Nexans 12-42 MONOi3 W Indoor MV Heat-Shrink Terminations are medium voltage heat-shrinkable indoor terminations for three core polymeric cables with STA or SWA Armour. Up to 20,8/36 (42) kV.
Part Numbers: 12MONOi3.95W, 12MONOi3.240W, 12MONOi3.300W, 12MONOi3.400W, 24MONOi3.95W, 24MONOi3.240W, 24MONOi3.300W, 24MONOi3.400W, 36MONOi3.95W, 36MONOi3.240W, 36MONOi3.300W, 36MONOi3.400W, 42MONOi3.95W, 42MONOi3.240W, 42MONOi3.300W, 42MONOi3.400W.

Nexans MONOe3 MONOi3 W - Technical

MONOi3 W Applications

The “MONOi” terminations are a single component solution, for armoured three core polymeric cables with with Cu wire or tape screen.

Technical Characteristics & Design

The “MONOi3 W” indoor terminations are designed for max system voltages of 42 kV, for compact switchgears as well as for installations where space is limited.

Easy, quick to install, reducing installation time and errors. The kit consists of a stress control mastic pad, a co extruded dual wall tube and red anti-tracking sealing mastic.

Red anti-tracking break-out and red anti-tracking tubes “GT2” with adjustable length “D” are part of the kit. The design accommodates various conductor lugs. MC types come with “GPH” mechanical conductor lugs. Right angle or straight heat-shrinkable boots are available on request.

Additional Technical Data of Nexans 12-42 MONOi3 W Indoor MV Heat-Shrink Terminations can be found on the table below. For more information, please advise the PDF File. Nexans 17JTS1 W

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Technical Data

Type Max Voltage
Section Range DOI Insulation DOE Outer Sheath Length
12MONOi3.95W 12 kV 25÷95 mm2 12-20 mm 38-56 mm 500 mm
12MONOi3.240W 12 kV 70÷240 mm2 16-30 mm 46-72 mm 500 mm
12MONOi3.300W 12 kV 95÷300 mm2 18-32 mm 48-82 mm 600 mm
12MONOi3.400W 12 kV 185÷400 mm2 22-36 mm 58-84 mm 600 mm
24MONOi3.95W 24 kV 25÷95 mm2 14-26 mm 40-62 mm 650 mm
24MONOi3.240W 24 kV 70÷240 mm2 18-34 mm 48-76 mm 650 mm
24MONOi3.300W 24 kV 95÷300 mm2 20-38 mm 52-84 mm 650 mm
24MONOi3.400W 24 kV 185÷400 mm2 25-40 mm 62-90 mm 650 mm
36MONOi3.95W 36 kV 25÷95 mm2 20-32 mm 58-76 mm 950 mm
36MONOi3.240W 36 kV 70÷240 mm2 22-38 mm 64-90 mm 950 mm
36MONOi3.300W 36 kV 95÷300 mm2 24-42 mm 68-94 mm 950 mm
36MONOi3.400W 36 kV 185÷400 mm2 28-46 mm 78-102 mm 950 mm
42MONOi3.95W 42 kV 25÷95 mm2 20-34 mm 60-90 mm 1000 mm
42MONOi3.240W 42 kV 70÷240 mm2 26-42 mm 66-110 mm 1000 mm
42MONOi3.300W 42 kV 95÷300 mm2 28-46 mm 70-120 mm 1000 mm
42MONOi3.400W 42 kV 185÷400 mm2 32-48 mm 80-130 mm 1000 mm


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