Nexans 17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 (MC) MV Heat-Shrink Joints - 3x17JTS1.95WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.240WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.300WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.400WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.95WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.240WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.300WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.400WSK2.0

Product overview

Nexans 17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 (MC) MV Heat-Shrink Joints

Nexans 17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 (MC) MV Heat-Shrink Joints are medium voltage heat-shrinkable straight joints with triple layer tube for Unarmoured Single Core Polymeric Cables with Aluminium Tape Screen (AHXAMK-WP). Up to Umax 24kV.

Part Numbers
: 3x17JTS1.95WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.240WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.300WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.400WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.95WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.240WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.300WSK2.0, 3x24JTS1.400WSK2.0

Nexans JTS Joints Resized

Nexans 17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 (MC) Applications

17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 heat-shrinkable straight joints are designed for unarmoured, plastic insulated cables with Al tape screen, to accommodate either crimped or mechanical connectors.

Key Benefits

  • Quick and Easy to install – saving labour time, with no additional retraining required.
  • Short and Slim design – with impressive range taking sizes.
  • Excellent Insulating Properties – for safer installations.
  • Advanced Screen Connection & Armour Continuity – for maximum control of fault currents.
  • Thick Walled Tubing for High Mechanical Strength and Impact Resistance.
  • Proof against Water Penetration & Chemical Aggression.
  • Stabilised UV Protection – for longevity outdoors.
  • Halogen Free Material Content – for safer use in enclosed spaces.
  • Made to measure Fire Resistant blankets if required.
  • LSOH outersheath as standard.
  • To fit single core and three core MV cables up to 36kV.
  • Easy access to Technical Support from our UK based technical staff.

Technical Characteristics & Design

Nexans 17JTS1 WSK2.0 – 24JTS1 WSK2.0 Heat Shrink MV Straight JointsFor 12 to 24kV applications the 17-24JTS heat shrinkable joint is the new high performance, compact and easy to install joint. A single body with all the electrical functions integrated!

The JTS 17/24 is using Nexans’ “TRIPLE GT125”, an integrated stress control field, insulating and conductive tube, which can withstand high voltage applications up to 24kV.

A double layer pad with conductive rubber inside and HK orange mastic outside ensure a Faraday cage and smooth the effect of the electrical field and of the voltage gradient in the connector area.

A tinned copper stocking with roll constant force springs ensures the screen’s electrical continuity.

The outer sheath is restored with heavy wall adhesive lined tubing. Wrap-around sleeve (reinforced type) available upon request (WSK3.0). MC types are supplied with “Nexans GPH” mechanical connectors.

Type Section Range
DOI Insulation
DOE Outer
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.95WSK2.0 25÷95 600 12-24 20-38
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.240WSK2.0 70÷240 600 16-32 24-44
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.300WSK2.0 95÷300 750 18-34 26-48
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.400WSK2.0 185÷400 750 22-38 30-52
24 3x24JTS1.95WSK2.0 25÷95 600 18-28 24-40
24 3x24JTS1.240WSK2.0 70÷240 600 20-36 26-46
24 3x24JTS1.300WSK2.0 95÷300 750 22-38 28-52
24 3x24JTS1.400WSK2.0 185÷400 750 24-40 32-54

17JTS type tested with BIL at 95 kV, PD at 2Uo (≤ 10 pC)

24JTS type tested with BIL at 150 kV, PD at 2Uo (≤ 10 pC)

17-42JTS1 WSK2.0 and 17-42JTS3 CW and 17-42JTS3 K Additional Details

Additional Technical Data of Nexans 17-24JTS1 WSK2.0 (MC) MV Heat-Shrink Joints (e.g 3x17JTS1.240WSK2.0, 3x17JTS1.400WSK2.0) can be found on the table below. For more information, please advise the PDF Files.

FREE Technical Advisory Service
E-Tech Components UK Ltd maintains a free technical advisory service.
Contact us for enquiries concerning this and all other products: +44 (0) 1744 762 929

Technical Data

12/17,5 3x17JTS1.95WSK2.0 25÷95 600 12-24 20-38
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.240WSK2.0 70÷240 600 16-32 24-44
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.300WSK2.0 95÷300 750 18-34 26-48
12/17,5 3x17JTS1.400WSK2.0 185÷400 750 22-38 30-52
24 3x24JTS1.95WSK2.0 25÷95 600 18-28 24-40
24 3x24JTS1.240WSK2.0 70÷240 600 20-36 26-46
24 3x24JTS1.300WSK2.0 95÷300 750 22-38 28-52
24 3x24JTS1.400WSK2.0 185÷400 750 24-40 32-54

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