Product overview

CableSafe Safety Hook Range Extender is a pole with a half-moon-shaped steel hook mounted on the extender pole. Includes a turn button on the pole which upon activation extends the pole for a total of 3 meter. The CableSafe Safety Hook Range Extender allows to hang Safety Hooks / Safety Hooks Extreme and cables on height up to 5 meter.

The CableSafe Safety Hook Range Extenders are suitable for locations where the operator cannot reach the intended hook up location of the CableSafe safety hooks. They will therefore allow more hook up points higher up in your plant and will design out tripping points for wires and cables that don’t move frequently.

CableSafe Safety Hook Range Extender – Key Features

  • Tidi-Cable Tidi-Hanger ExtenderExtends up to 5 metres so cables can be hung higher
  • Reduces the risk of slips, trips and falls
  • Safely reaches high areas
  • Suitable for use during demolition, construction and framework


5 Metres Higher

Stretches up to 5 metres, meaning that you can keep hangers and hooks off the ground, reducing the risk of slips, trips and falls.


Suitable for use with Safety Hooks / Safety Hooks Extreme.

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