Matsuo Chip Tantalum Capacitor 267 P Series is a series of capacitors specially designed to SMD, based on Matsuo Electric’s technology of chip tantalum capacitors acquired over many years.
Fully-molded construction provides excellent mechanical protection, superior moisture resistance and high soldering heat resistance.
Matsuo 267 P Series is high-reliability capacitors developed for Space Systems Equipment.
Matsuo Chip Tantalum Capacitor 267 P Features
Small size: A case 3. 2mm(L)×1. 6mm(W).
Suitable for surface mounting.
Precise dimensions allow high density packaging.Symmetrical construction of positive and negative terminals provides “Self Alignment”
Soldering: 260℃ for 10 seconds by re-flow or flow soldering.
267 P
Category Temperature Range
Rated Temperature
Rated Voltage
Capacitance tolerance
±20% (M)/±10% (K)/±5% (P)
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