Nexans Euromold Interface F Accessories (900DR-B/G, 900SOP-B, 900GP-B, 900BE/G)

Product overview

Nexans Euromold Interface F Accessories

Nexans Euromold Interface F Accessories suitable for use with connectors and bushings with an interface D as described by CENELEC EN 50180 and 50181.
Part Numbers: 900DR-B/G, 900SOP-B, 900GP-B, 900BE/G.

Voltage classes:

  • 6/10 (12kV)
  • 6.35/11 (12kV)
  • 8.7/15 (17.5kV)
  • 12/20 (24kV)
  • 12.7/22 (24kV)
  • 18/30 (36kV)
  • 19/33 (36kV)
  • 20.8/36 (42kV)

Technical Characteristics

  • All Euromold Interface F Accessories, except the earthing plug, are tested for AC withstand and partial discharge prior to leaving the factory.

Nexans Euromold Interface F Accessories

Nexans Euromold Interface D Accessories - 900DR-B/G

900DR-B/G Dead-end Receptacle

900DR-B/G Dead-end Receptacle fits over a bushing with a type F interface to provide ‘dead-end’ facility. Supplied with an earth lead.

Order 900DR-B/G for 12 kV, K900DR-B/G for 24 kV, M900DR-B/G for 36 kV OR P900DR-B/G for 42 kV applications.


900SOP-B Stand-off Plug

900SOP-B Stand-off Plug is designed to support and ‘deadend’ connectors with a type F interface when removed from equipment.

Order 900SOP-B for 12 kV, K900SOP-B for 24 kV, M900SOP-B for 36 kV OR P900SOP-B for 42 kV applications.

Nexans Euromold Interface F Accessories - 900GP-B

900GP-B Earthing Plug

900GP-B Earthing Plug is designed to support and earth connectors with a type F interface when removed from equipment.

Order 900GP-B for 12, 24, 36 or 42 kV applications. Order 900GP-SBT for a version with a straight ball terminal.


900BE/G Bushing Extender

900BE/G Bushing Extender provides an extension piece to allow cables to stand away from equipment. Is used in conjunction with the 900CP or 909PB connecting plug. Supplied with an earth lead and stud/ nut/ washer.

Order 900BE/G for 12 kV, K900BE/G for 24 kV, M900BE/G for 36 kV or P900BE/G for 42 kV applications.

For additional General and Technical Information, download the PDF files.

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