Lightning Protection
AN Wallis Lightning Protection Systems & Solutions minimise the risk of damage to the external & internal parts of a structure from a lightning strike, while also reducing the risk of injuries by safely discharging the high voltage to the earth system.

AN Wallis Metallic DC Clips
- AN Wallis Metallic DC Clips secure flat tape conductors to a building surface, fix using countersunk woodscrews (DCB 253, DCB 506, DGP 253).

AN Wallis Non-Metallic DC Clips
- AN Wallis Non-Metallic one-piece DC Clips with integral hinged lid, meanno lost or dropped lids (NM 253 B, NM 253 G, NP 253 B, NP 253 G).

AN Wallis Bare Copper Tapes
- AN Wallis Bare Copper Tapes have been installed on many prestigious lightning protection and earthing applications (TC 253, 254, 256).

AN Wallis Square Tape Clamps
- AN Wallis Square Tape Clamps have been installed on many prestigious lightning protection and earthing applications (JG 253, 405, 506).

AN Wallis B Bonds
- AN Wallis B Bonds are used for bonding aluminium and copper tapes to flat metal surfaces (Part Numbers: BBG 253 SS, BBA 253)

AN Wallis Bimetallic Connectors
- AN Wallis Bimetallic Connectors used to join Alu and Cu tapes, no tinning, riveting or wrapping the joint (BIM 253, 253 FB, 506 | BSS 253)

AN Wallis Sealing Tape
- AN Wallis Sealing Tape (DT 510) is a waterproof denso tape, designed for wrapping joints to provide protection against corrosion.
Showing 7 products