Wind & Renewable Energy
Reliable and accurate Wind & Renewable Energy products for your energy wind project. Economic, durable and competitive solutions that remain standing in all climates and terrains. Wind Products & Solutions supplied by Cue Dee.

Cue Dee Rock Guy Foundations – 4081
- Cue Dee Rock Guy Foundations (4081) are used as anchors for multiple guy wires, they are used when installing a mast on bedrock.

Cue Dee Climbing Barrier K-600 – 1583
- Cue Dee Climbing Barrier K-600 (1583) prevents unauthorised personnel from accessing/ damaging the mast & equipment or from getting injured.

Cue Dee Climbing Barrier K-900 – 1709
- Cue Dee Climbing Barrier K-900 (1709) prevents unauthorized personnel from accessing/ damaging the mast & equipment or from getting injured.

Cue Dee Lightning Rods – 1574
- Cue Dee Lightning Rods (1574) designed to protect instruments from lightning strikes. Lightning rods are available for K-600 and K-900 masts.

Cue Dee Solar Panel Supports – 2105/ 5791
- Cue Dee Solar Panel Supports (2105, 5791) used to attach solar panels to the mast, solution that always gives access to electricity on site.

Cue Dee Slack Pullers – 1471/ 4276/ 1472/ 5436/ 2182/ 5437/ 5358
- Cue Dee Slack Pullers (1471, 4276, 1472, 5436, 2182, 5437, 5358) are used to attach the Guy Wire to the Mast and to the Guy Foundation.

Cue Dee Wind Turbine Supports – 3056/ 3065
- Cue Dee Wind Turbine Supports (3056, 3065) used to attach small wind turbines to mast, solution that always gives electricity access on site.
Showing 16‐22 of 22 products