Prysmian BICON
Prysmian Group manufactures, among other, a huge range of Crimping, Cutting and Stripping Tools, Cable Cleats, Glands, Compounds, Resins and Rail Products & Solutions in the UK and abroad.

Prysmian BICON Separable Tee Connectors (FMCTs-600/1250)
- Prysmian BICON Separable Tee (T) Connectors (FMCTs-600/1250) for a wide range of applications up to 24kV, non-loadbreak operation.

Prysmian BICON BW Cable Gland Kit (KA410)
- Prysmian BICON BW Cable Gland Kit (KA410) is an industrial indoor cable gland for rapid termination of SWA cable (KA410-53, KA410-59).

Prysmian BICON BW LSOH Cable Gland Kit (420LSF)
- Prysmian BICON BW LSOH Indoor Cable Gland Kit 420LSF Series is an industrial indoor cable gland kit for rapid termination of LS0H cables.

Prysmian BICON BWL Cable Gland Kit (KJ417)
- Prysmian BICON BWL Cable Gland Kit (KJ417 Series) is an industrial indoor cable gland for rapid termination of steel wire armoured cables.

Prysmian BICON Nylon Cable Gland (403K)
- Prysmian BICON Nylon Cable Gland (403K Series) features a 3 part armour lock for simple inspection and armour continuity.

Prysmian BICON Fire Performance Nylon Cable Gland FP2520R (403PR52 & 403PW52)
- Prysmian BICON Fire Performance Nylon Cable Gland FP2520R for use with FP100, FP200 Gold and FP Plus Cables (403PR52, Prysmian 403PW52).

Prysmian BICON A1/A2 Cable Gland Kit (KM409)
- Prysmian BICON A1/A2 Cable Gland Kit (KM409 Series) is the best industrial brass gland for unarmoured cables. (KM409-52, KM409-71)

Prysmian BICON A1/A2 LSOH Cable Gland Kit (423LSF)
- Prysmian BICON A1/A2 LSOH Cable Gland Kit (423LSF) is the best industrial gland for LSOH unarmoured cables (423LSF52, 423LSF55, 423LSF57).

Prysmian BICON AXT Cable Gland Kit (423AX)
- Prysmian BICON AXT Cable Gland Kit (423AX) for most climatic conditions, weatherproof and waterproof (423AX-52, 423AX-53, 423AX-55).

Prysmian BICON CW Cable Gland Kit (KA419)
- Prysmian BICON CW Cable Gland Kit (KA419 Series) is an Indoor / Outdoor Gland Kit; three part amour lock with separate armour locking ring.

Prysmian BICON CW-B Cable Gland Kit – Long Entry Thread (KA419-B)
- Prysmian BICON CW-B Cable Gland Kit- Long Entry Thread (KA419-B Series) is an Indoor/ Outdoor Cable Gland Kit features a 3 part armour lock.

Prysmian BICON CW-B LSOH Cable Gland Kit – Long Entry Thread (KV419-B)
- Prysmian BICON CW-B LSOH Cable Gland Kit - Long Entry Thread (KV419-B Series) is an Indoor / Outdoor Cable Gland Kit with Long Entry Thread.

Prysmian BICON CW LSOH Cable Gland Kit (422LSF)
- Prysmian BICON CW LSOH Cable Gland Kit (422LSF Series) is an Indoor / Outdoor Cable Gland Kit. Popular Part Numbers: 422LSF52, 422LSF55

Prysmian BICON CW-Al Cable Gland Kit (KA422)
- Prysmian BICON CW-Al Cable Gland Kit (KA422) is an Indoor/ Outdoor Cable Gland Kit for Alu wire armour plastic or rubber sheathed cables.

Prysmian BICON CW-AL LSOH Cable Gland Kit (432LSF)
- Prysmian BICON CW-AL LSOH Cable Gland Kit (432LSF Series) is suitable for Alu-wire armour LSOH plastic or rubber sheathed cables. (432LSF55)
Showing 31‐45 of 226 products