D-Line is a UK company with a global reputation for innovative cable management products. The D-Line range includes the Safe-D Fire Clips, Cable Safety Products and the world’s fastest Cable Trunking Systems, as used by trade and consumers, to hide and protect cables in ways that blend with modern surrounds.

D-Line F-Clips Safe-D Fire Rated Flexible Cable Fixings
- D-Line F-Clips Safe-D Fire Rated Flexible Cable Fixings to secure various cable installations. (SAFEDFCLIP30, SAFEDFCLIP40, SAFEDFCLIP50)

D-Line U-Clips – Safe-D Fire Rated Cable Fixings
- D-Line U-Clips Safe-D Fire Rated Cable Fixings fitted direct-to-surface or in trunking systems. (SAFE-D30, SAFE-D30/RED, SAFE-D40, SAFE-D50)

D-Line Safe-D Fire Rated Adjustable Cable Clips
- D-Line Safe-D Fire Rated Adjustable Cable Clips secure cables having diameters ranging between 10mm and 26mm. (SD-CAB10, SD-CAB16, SD-CAB22)

D-Line Conduit Saddles – Safe-D Fire Rated One-Piece Saddles
- D-Line Conduit Saddles - Safe-D Fire Rated One-Piece Saddles to secure cables in 20 or 25mm o/d PVC and conduit. (SAFE-DCOND20, SAFE-DCOND25)

D-Line Stag Clips – Safe-D Fire Rated Single-Piece Fixings
- D-Line Stag Clips Fire Rated Single-Piece Fixings can be fixed with their lower barbs gripping in pilot-holes (SAFEDSTAG6S, SAFEDSTAG6T).

D-Line Spring Clips – Safe-D Fire Rated Adjustable Clamp Fixings
- D-Line Spring Clips - Safe-D Fire Rated Adjustable Clamp Fixings (SAFEDSPRING) effectively secure single cables (<7mm outer diameter).

D-Line Retro Clips – Safe-D Fire Rated Trunking Fixings
- D-Line Retro Clips - Safe-D Fire Rated Trunking Fixings (SD-RETRO1, SD-RETRO2) fixings shaped to fit outside of existing non-metallic size 1.

D-Line D-Fixings – Safe-D Fire Rated Screws
- D-Line D-Fixings - Safe-D Fire Rated Screws (DFIX) are fire-performance screws, ideal for securing D-Line Safe-D product ranges.
Showing 8 products