Prysmian BICON
Prysmian Group manufactures, among other, a huge range of Crimping, Cutting and Stripping Tools, Cable Cleats, Glands, Compounds, Resins and Rail Products & Solutions in the UK and abroad.

Prysmian BICON Connector Blocks
- Prysmian BICON Connector/ Connection Blocks are terminal blocks and are available as single and douple pole connectors.

Prysmian BICON Metering Link Disconnect Box & Mini Pillar
- Prysmian BICON Metering Link Disconnect Box & Mini Pillar offers a solution to connect to DNO networks and monitor power consumption.

Prysmian Draka Connecta – Fire Resistant Tunnel Lighting and Power System
- Prysmian Draka Connecta Fire Resistant Tunnel Lighting and Power System provides small power applications in road, rail tunnels and bridges.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Rail Products & Modular Power Systems Introduction
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Rail Products & Modular Power Systems used to provide simple, fast-assembly electrical connection systems.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Track Circuit Cable Assemblies
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Track Circuit Cable Assemblies (Leads) deliver cost savings in signalling installation and maintenance projects.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Trackside Disconnect Boxes
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Trackside Disconnect Boxes are used throughout the railway network to connect signalling equipment to location cabinets.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Detection System Cable Assemblies
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Detection System Cable Assemblies offer a fast fit, pre-terminated connection, for trackside detection systems.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Points Heating
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Points Heating commissioning & maintenance becomes very fast, accurate & reliable with the specific Flexo systems.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Vehicle Couplers & Battery Charging Leads
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Vehicle Couplers & Battery Charging Leads from highly flexible neoprene rubber that is fully vulcanized to the cables.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Point Machine Coupler System
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Point Machine Coupler System provides a reliable & easy to install connection from point machine to the disconnect box.

Prysmian BICON Flexo Fire Resistant Modular Power Systems
- Prysmian BICON Flexo Fire Resistant Modular Power Systems are an innovative ‘plug & socket’ installation solution for power cable circuits.

Prysmian BICON Overhead Line Electrification
- Prysmian BICON Overhead Line Electrification (OHL) full & non tension splices for main line jointing of hard drawn CU, AWAC & Alu conductors.

Prysmian BICON Catenary Insulators
- Prysmian BICON Catenary Insulators - Ceramic Beaded for Section & Neutral Section Insulation. Inserted directly into the conductor wire.

Prysmian BICON Wedge Taps – Wedgtap Connectors
- Prysmian BICON Wedge Taps - Wedgtap Connectors for Network Rail provide a method of making tap connections onto OHL conductors (091/002272).

Prysmian BICON Pressline Emergency Stop System
- Prysmian BICON Pressline Emergency Stop System offers continuous emergency stop protection around complex industrial hazards.
Showing 211‐225 of 226 products